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Brains can be hotter than the rest of our bodies, especially in women

 Our grey matter can be over 2°C warmer than the rest of our body, with the highest temperatures reached by women’s brains in the second half of the menstrual cycle. Healthy human brains can be hotter than we thought, reaching nearly 41°C in women, according to a small study. The findings could change how people with brain injuries are medically managed, says Nina Rzechorzek at the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge, UK. “This is going to give us another window into how the brain is working.” Normal brain temperature is generally assumed to be the same as that of the rest of the body – about 37 °C – but we had no way to know for sure. People with head injuries may have highly sensitive temperature probes put into their brains, but this isn’t done to people who don’t need their brain temperature monitored for medical reasons. Rzechorzek’s team looked at the brains of 40 healthy people – half of whom were women – using a relatively new technique called magnetic resonanc...


 The human brian is made up of more than 100 billion nerve cells called neurons. Each neuron is connected to as many as 25000 other neurons-so the brain has trillions and trillions of different pathways for nerve signals. Girls' brains weight 2.5% of their body weight, on average, while boy's brains weigh 2%. About 0.85 litres of blood shorts through your brain every minute. The brain may be as little as 2% of your body weight, but it demand 25% of your blood supply. An elephant's brain weighs four times as much as the human brain. However, our brains are far bigger in relation to our bodies than those of any other animal. The cerebral cortex is the outside of the brain, and if it was laid out flat, it would cover a bed. The left hemisphere (half) of the brain is usually the word side, where the speech centres are. The right half is the picture side. Conscious thoughts and actions happen in the cerebral cortex. A human brain has a cerebral cortex four times as big as a chim...