Our grey matter can be over 2°C warmer than the rest of our body, with the highest temperatures reached by women’s brains in the second half of the menstrual cycle. Healthy human brains can be hotter than we thought, reaching nearly 41°C in women, according to a small study. The findings could change how people with brain injuries are medically managed, says Nina Rzechorzek at the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge, UK. “This is going to give us another window into how the brain is working.” Normal brain temperature is generally assumed to be the same as that of the rest of the body – about 37 °C – but we had no way to know for sure. People with head injuries may have highly sensitive temperature probes put into their brains, but this isn’t done to people who don’t need their brain temperature monitored for medical reasons. Rzechorzek’s team looked at the brains of 40 healthy people – half of whom were women – using a relatively new technique called magnetic resonanc...