Health 15 Interesting Varieties of Avocado Avocados are pear-shaped fruits that grow on tropical evergreen trees. They generally have a rough, green outer skin, buttery flesh, and large seed in the middle. Coming in many shapes, sizes, colors, and textures, their flavor is often described as mildly nutty and creamy. Though you may only be familiar with a few types of avocado, hundreds of varieties are cultivated around the world — with 56 growing in Florida alone. Many are hybrids, meaning that they’re the result of two varieties being bred together to create a new one . This article reviews 15 common types of avocado, including their benefits and differences. Health benefits of avocados Avocados are highly nutritious. They’re great sources of folate, potassium, and healthy fats, as well as vitamins K, C, and E. They also contain small amounts of B vitamins and minerals, such as copper, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, iron, and zinc ( 2 Trusted Source , 3 Trusted Source ). Th...