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Does Fiber Relieve or Cause Constipation? A Critical Look

Written by Helen West, RD — Medically reviewed by Jillian Kubala, MS, RD — Updated on February 4, 2021

Constipation is a common problem that affects up to 20% of people every year (1Trusted Source, 2Trusted Source).

It’s a difficult condition to define, as bathroom habits vary considerably from person to person.

However, if you have less than three bowel movements a week and your stools are hard, dry and difficult to pass, you’re likely constipated.

One of the most common pieces of advice for people who are constipated is to eat more fiber.

But does this advice actually work? Let’s have a look.

Fiber Is Generally Good for Digestion

Dietary fiber is the name given to the non-digestible carbohydrates in plants. It can be found in all plant foods, including fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts and seeds.

It’s usually categorized into two groups, based on solubility:

  • Insoluble fiber: Found in wheat bran, vegetables and whole grains.
  • Soluble fiber: Found in oat bran, nuts, seeds, beans, lentils and peas, as well as some fruits and vegetables.

That said, most fiber-rich foods contain a mixture of insoluble and soluble fiber in varying proportions.

Even though your body can’t digest fiber, eating enough of it is thought to be very important for your gut health. This is partly because dietary fiber increases the size of your stools and makes them softer.

Larger, softer stools help keep you regular, as they move more quickly through your bowels and are easier to pass (3Trusted Source).

These two types of fiber help with this in slightly different ways.

Insoluble fiber bulks up your stool and acts like a brush, sweeping through your bowels to get everything out and keep things moving.

The soluble variety absorbs water and forms a gel-like substance. This helps your stool pass smoothly through your bowels and improves its form and consistency.

The fermentation of one type of soluble fiber, known as prebiotics, in the large intestine can also help maintain a healthy gut by increasing its number of good bacteria (4Trusted Source).

This could also improve your health by decreasing your risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease and obesity (5Trusted Source).

Bottom Line:

Eating enough fiber can help keep you regular. It can also improve the balance of good bacteria in your gut. This may reduce your risk of various diseases, such as heart disease, obesity and diabetes.

It Can Relieve Constipation for Many People

If you’re constipated and have a low fiber intake, eating more of it could help.

Studies have shown that increasing the amount of fiber you eat could increase the number of stools that you pass (6Trusted Source).

In fact, a recent review showed that 77% of people with chronic constipation found some relief by increasing their fiber intake (7Trusted Source).

Moreover, two studies have found that increasing dietary fiber intake could be as effective as the laxative lactulose for relieving constipation in children (8Trusted Source, 9Trusted Source).

This means that for many people with constipation, simply eating more fiber could be enough to fix the problem (10Trusted Source, 11Trusted Source).

It is generally recommended that men eat 38 grams of fiber per day, and that women eat 25 grams (12Trusted Source).

Unfortunately, it’s estimated that most people eat less than half of this amount, only reaching between 12–18 grams per day (3Trusted Source, 13Trusted Source, 14Trusted Source).

Bottom Line:

Most people don’t eat enough dietary fiber. Those who lack fiber in their diet may experience relief by increasing their intake.


In Some Cases, Eating More Fiber Makes Constipation Worse

In theory, fiber should help prevent and treat constipation.

However, the evidence shows that this advice does not work for everyone.

While some studies show that adding fiber to your diet may improve your symptoms, other studies show that reducing your intake is best (15Trusted Source).

Also, a recent review found that although fiber was effective at increasing the number of bowel movements, it didn’t help with other symptoms of constipation like stool consistency, pain, bloating and gas (6Trusted Source).

To find out if increasing your fiber intake will help your constipation, try to determine its cause. You can become constipated for a number of reasons, including:

  • Lifestyle factors: Low dietary fiber intake, inactivity and low fluid intake.
  • Medications or supplements: Examples include opioid painkillers, antidepressants, antipsychotics and some antacids.
  • Disease: Examples include diabetes, irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease and neurological conditions like Parkinson’s.
  • Unknown: The cause of some people’s chronic constipation is unknown. This is known as chronic idiopathic constipation.

If you already eat plenty of fiber and your constipation is caused by something else, then adding more fiber may not help and could even make the problem worse (15Trusted Source).

Interestingly, studies have shown that some people with constipation eat similar amounts of fiber as those who don’t have the condition (16Trusted Source, 17Trusted Source).

One 6-month study in 63 people found that for people with chronic idiopathic constipation, a low-fiber or even a no-fiber diet drastically improved their symptoms. Removing the fiber basically cured them of the constipation (18Trusted Source).

This is also true for people who have irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), as many high-fiber foods are also high in FODMAPS, which worsen IBS symptoms (19Trusted Source, 20Trusted Source).

Nevertheless, given fiber’s potential health benefits, you shouldn’t adopt a low-fiber diet over the long term without consulting your doctor or dietitian.

Furthermore, there’s evidence that non-fermentable, soluble fiber supplements may benefit these individuals, even though they don’t tolerate other types of fiber well.

Bottom Line:

For people who eat enough fiber but are still constipated, eating more of it could make their problems worse. In some cases, reducing dietary fiber could help relieve constipation.

The Best Types of Fiber to Get Rid of Constipation

Fiber supplements can help treat constipation, including for those who have chronic constipation or IBS (21Trusted Source).

However, if you have chronic constipation or are experiencing symptoms like pain, wind, bloating and gas, it may be best to go for a non-fermentable, soluble fiber supplement (22Trusted Source, 23Trusted Source, 24Trusted Source).

This is because fermentable fiber is used as food by the bacteria in your gut, resulting in the production of gases in your large intestine.

This could cause an increase in gas production in your gut, which might make your symptoms worse.

Examples of soluble fiber supplements include:

  • Psyllium: Psyllium husk and Metamucil
  • Methyl cellulose: Citrucel
  • Glucomannan: Glucomannan capsules or PGX
  • Inulin: Benefibre (Canada), Fiber Choice or Fibersure
  • Partially hydrolyzed guar gum: Hi-Maize
  • Wheat dextrin: Benefiber (US)

Psyllium is often considered to be the best choice.

Despite being classified as fermentable, studies have shown that psyllium can normalize stools and is well tolerated, even by people with IBS (25Trusted Source, 26Trusted Source, 27Trusted Source).

Bottom Line:

If you don’t get enough fiber, gradually increasing the amount of high-fiber foods in your diet could help. People with chronic constipation may benefit from a non-fermentable, soluble fiber supplement.


Best Foods to Relieve Constipation

If your fiber intake is generally low, try including more high-fiber foods like fruits, vegetables and whole grains in your diet.

This will increase both your soluble and insoluble fiber intake and could help relieve your problem.

It’s best to do this gradually, as dramatically increasing your intake in a short period could cause unwanted side effects like pain, gas and bloating.

Foods high in insoluble fiber include:

  • Whole grains
  • Fruits and vegetables with skins
  • Nuts and seeds

Foods high in soluble fiber include:

  • Oats
  • Flax seeds
  • Barley
  • Rye
  • Beans and pulses
  • Root vegetables

Some high-fiber foods have been shown to be particularly effective for constipation. For example, flax seeds could help if your constipation is caused by IBS (28Trusted Source, 29Trusted Source).

If you want to try flax seeds, start by taking 1 teaspoon per day and gradually increase the dose up to a maximum of 2 tablespoons throughout the day.

To make them more palatable, you can put them in a drink or sprinkle them on your yogurt, salad, cereal or soup.

Prunes can also help relieve constipation. They’re high in fiber and also contain the sugar alcohol sorbitol, which is a natural laxative (30Trusted Source, 31Trusted Source).

Some studies have shown that prunes are more effective than fiber supplements at relieving constipation. The effective dosage is thought to be around 50 grams (or 7 medium-sized prunes) twice a day (32Trusted Source, 33Trusted Source).

However, if you have IBS, you should probably avoid prunes since sorbitol is a known FODMAP and can exacerbate your symptoms.

Bottom Line:

Insoluble and soluble fiber are found naturally in many foods. Prunes may also be helpful, as long as you don’t have IBS.

Take Home Message

Eating plenty of fiber-rich foods is a good idea to optimize digestive health.

If you become constipated and don’t have much fiber in your diet, then you may benefit from eating more of it.

However, if you already get enough fiber or your constipation has another cause, increasing your fiber intake from foods may make things worse.

You may also like these related articles:

  • 13 Home Remedies to Relieve Constipation Naturally
  • 22 High-Fiber Foods You Should Eat
  • 16 Easy Ways to Eat More Fiber
  • Good Fiber, Bad Fiber – How The Different Types Affect You
  • FODMAP 101: A Detailed Beginner’s Guide.
  • Pressure Points for Relieving Constipation

    Medically reviewed by Kerry Boyle D.Ac., M.S., L.Ac., Dipl. Ac. — Written by Kirsten Nunez on March 8, 2021

    It’s common to feel constipated every now and then. It can happen for many reasons, like dehydration or stress. Some medications and medical conditions can also cause constipation.

    Fortunately, it’s possible to relieve constipation with natural remedies like acupressure. This involves applying physical pressure to various points on your body to support digestion and induce bowel movements.

    You can do acupressure on yourself or have it done by a trained professional. In either case, it’s important to understand how it works, as well as the potential side effects.

    Read on to learn how to use pressure points for relieving constipation.

  • How do pressure points work?

    Acupressure is type of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). It’s a form of acupuncture, which is the practice of stimulating specific points on your body by inserting tiny needles into your skin. When pressure is used to activate these points, as in massage, it’s known as acupressure.

    According to TCM, your body has a vital energy called qi. This energy flows through channels in your body, called meridians. These meridians are thought to be connected to your tissues and organs.

    TCM practitioners maintain that a balanced Qi is necessary for good health. If your Qi is blocked or imbalanced, health issues can develop. This includes ailments such as:

    • pain
    • discomfort
    • constipation

    Therapies like acupressure are used to balance qi.

    In acupressure, a practitioner uses their fingers or hands to apply physical pressure on certain points along your body’s meridians. This is said to trigger a response that promotes healing and relief.

    There are more than 2,000 pressure points in the body. The specific points used in acupressure depend on your ailment.

    How do I use acupressure to relieve constipation?

    You can use acupressure for constipation by stimulating the following pressure points. According to TCM, these points are linked to various organs involved in constipation.

    San Jiao 6: Branching Ditch

    San Jiao 6 (SJ6) is commonly used for constipation. According to Peirano, this point stimulates the lower jiao, which includes the large and small intestines, kidneys, and bladder.

  • To use this point for acupressure:

    1. Find SJ6, three finger-widths away from your wrist crease on the outer side of your arm.
    2. Press on the point with your opposite thumb or index finger.
    3. Apply circular pressure for 1 to 3 minutes.
    4. Repeat on your other arm.

    Stomach 25: Celestial Pivot

    Stomach 25 (ST25) is used to balance your digestive system. It can help both constipation and diarrhea, says Peirano.

  • To use this point for acupressure:

    1. Locate ST25, two finger-widths to right of your belly button.
    2. Press on the point with your thumb or index finger.
    3. Apply circular pressure for 1 to 3 minutes.
    4. Repeat on the left side.

    Spleen 15: Great Horizontal

    Spleen 15 (SP15) is located near ST25. It’s used to stimulate peristalsis and enhance the effects of ST25.

  • To use this point for acupressure:

    1. Find SP15, four finger-widths to the right of your belly button.
    2. Press on the point with your thumb or index finger.
    3. Apply circular pressure for 1 to 3 minutes.
    4. Repeat on the left side.

    Liver 3: Great Surge

    If stress could be the underlying cause of your constipation symptoms, Peirano recommends using Liver 3 (LV3) in your feet. This pressure point for constipation is said to regulate liver qi and relieve stress.

  • To use this point for acupressure:

    1. Locate the soft skin between your big toe and second toe.
    2. Press on the point with your thumb or index finger.
    3. Apply circular pressure for 1 to 3 minutes.
    4. Repeat on your other foot.

    Large Intestine 4: Joining Valley

    Like LV3, Large Intestine 4 (LI4) is used for stress. This may help constipation if your symptoms could be due to emotional stress.

    To use this point for acupressure:

    1. Find the soft skin between your thumb and index finger on the top of your hand.
    2. Press on the point with your opposite thumb or index finger.
    4. Apply circular pressure and continue for 1 to 3 minutes.
    5. Repeat on your other hand.
    6. Kidney 6: Shining Sea

      Kidney 6 (KI6) is an acupressure point on the foot used to induce bowel movements. According to TCM, it can ease constipation by promoting fluid production.

      To use this point for acupressure:

      1. Find the KI6 point below your inner ankle bone.
      2. Press on the point with your thumb or index finger.
      3. Apply circular pressure for 1 to 3 minutes.
      4. Repeat on your other foot.
    • Avoid using hard, deep pressure to help prevent these side effects.
  • Can acupressure relieve symptoms of constipation?

    Acupressure can help relieve some symptoms of constipation.

    According to licensed acupuncturist Dr. Kim Peirano, DACM, LAc, acupressure promotes peristalsis, the movement of your intestinal muscles. This helps move stool through your digestive system.

    The practice also activates the vagus nerve, which is involved in healthy digestive function. The vagus nerve sends signals between your brain and digestive system.

    Additionally, according to a 2019 studyTrusted Source, acupressure increases endorphins. This relaxes muscles and reduces stress, which is helpful if your constipation symptoms are due to stress.

    What are the potential downsides of acupressure?

    Acupressure is generally considered safe, but it may not be for everyone.

    Use caution if you’re pregnant. Some pressure points can induce labor. To reduce the risk of complications, consult a trained acupressure professional.

    You should also avoid acupressure if you have:

    • lung, kidney, or heart disease
    • a pacemaker
    • inflamed or injured skin

    Additionally, the practice has potential side effects, including:

    • bruising
    • soreness
    • lightheadedness
    • Avoid using hard, deep pressure to help prevent these side effects.

      What are some other ways to prevent and relieve constipation?

      You can try several other strategies to prevent and relieve constipation. In addition to acupressure, you might try the following:

      • Eat high-fiber foods. Fiber softens and bulks up your stools, making them easier to pass. High-fiber foods include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes.
      • Stay hydrated. Drinking extra fluids will also soften your stools. It’s important to stay hydrated as you eat more fiber.
      • Stay active. Routine exercise can promote regular bowel movements. Try aerobic exercise or yoga to get things moving.
      • Take magnesium citrate. Magnesium citrate is a natural remedy for constipation.
      • Manage stress. Stress can cause or worsen constipation. Focusing on stress relief can naturally relieve your symptoms.
      • Train your bowels. It can be helpful if you’re able to have a bowel movement at the same time every day. You should also pass stool as soon as you feel the urge.
      • Take an over-the-counter (OTC) treatment. OTC medications like laxatives, stool softeners, or fiber supplements may also help. Check with your doctor before taking any of these treatments.
      • Change your medications. Some medications may worsen constipation. Talk with a doctor about changing the dose or taking a different medication.

      When to seek medical care for constipation

      If your constipation doesn’t improve with home remedies, get in touch with a healthcare professional. You should also get medical help if you have constipation with:

      • persistent abdominal pain
      • bloody stools
      • painful bowel movements
      • vomiting
      • fever
      • lower back pain
      • unexplained weight loss
      • difficulty passing gas
      • sudden changes in your bowel movements

      The takeaway

      Acupressure is a natural remedy for constipation.

      According to practitioners, it triggers bowel movements by promoting peristalsis and increases gastric juices. The practice is also said to relieve stress, a common cause of constipation.

      You can perform acupressure on yourself at home. Avoid applying hard pressure, as this can cause bruising and soreness.

      If you’re pregnant or have a chronic disease, talk with a doctor before trying acupressure.

      Managing Constipation After Surgery

      Medically reviewed by Debra Sullivan, Ph.D., MSN, R.N., CNE, COI — Written by Annette McDermott 


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